- Powered Project – Video
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- Powered – Guidance
Definition of the procedures for the presentation and approval of off-shore wind project in the Adriatic sea
- P.O.W.E.R.E.D Project has ended the installation of the most important italian network of anemometers for the development of the ‘Wind Energy
With the installation of an anemometric station in Vallevecchia Caorle, in an area of the Veneto Regional bureau of Agriculture, thanks to Project P.O.W.E.R.E.D the most important Italian network for the development of the ‘Wind Energy’ has been finally realized. The anemometric station is part of a network of 8 meteorological towers, each one equipped with 5 anemometers and 4 wind direction sensors, placed on 5 different levels of measuring: 45, 40, 30, 20 and 10 meters.
The meteorological network realized by P.O.W.E.R.E.D. is the instrumental part of a much broader objective, aimed to assess the wind potential of the Adriatic Sea to get the chance of planning the energy production of future wind farms. And, finally, to identify the “good practices” that the government and the authorities should use to make an appropriate energy planning concerning the offshore wind energy. (more…)
- Installed in the Interport of Jesi (Ancona) the sixth anemometric station for weather monitoring scheduled by Project POWERED
The anemometric station has been tested November 27th in the Interport of Jesi (Ancona). It is part of a network of 8 meteorological towers, each one equipped with 5 anemometers and 4 wind direction sensors, placed on 5 different levels of measuring: 45, 40, 30, 20 and 10 meters. The meteorological network realized by P.O.W.E.R.E.D. is the instrumental part of a much broader objective, aimed to assess the wind potential of the Adriatic Sea to get the chance of planning the energy production of future wind farms. And, finally, to identify the “good practices” that the government and the authorities should use to an appropriate energy planning regarding the offshore wind energy.
- Installed in Ulcinj, Montenegro, the fifth anemometric station for weather monitoring scheduled by Project POWERED
The anemometric station has been tsted November 25th in Mozura, in the municipality of Ulcinj. It is part of a network of 8 meteorological towers, each one equipped with 5 anemometers and 4 wind direction sensors, placed on 5 different levels of measuring: 45, 40, 30, 20 and 10 meters. The meteorological network realized by P.O.W.E.R.E.D. is the instrumental part of a much broader objective, aimed to assess the wind potential of the Adriatic Sea to get the chance of planning the energy production of future wind farms. And, finally, to identify the “good practices” that the government and the authorities should use to an appropriate energy planning regarding the offshore wind energy. (more…)
- Press release installation of the anemometers in Ortona, Campomarino and Brindisi
The installation of three anemometer stations of the seven planned by the final phase of European Project POWERED has been completed in Ortona (Abruzzo), Campomarino (Molise) and Brindisi. An anemometer station was already installed in Ravenna. The devices are supported by a structure 45 meters high, trellis-worked and guyed, and there are 4 measurement levels at different heights. Within September the three remaining anemometer stations will be installed in locations of the project partners Montenegro, Veneto and Marche. Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia and Province of Ravenna are partners of POWERED project, which has as its primary objective the installation of anemometers, offshore and onshore, to collect data with a high degree of precision on the power of the wind aiming to develope wind energy in the Adriatic.The data from the POWERED stations will be assimilated by the weather prediction models to assess the offshore wind resource and to determine the expected energy production of future wind farms in the Adriatic sea. This is a unique service that allows the investors to meet the demand for “Predictable production”, which is requested by the national supplier of electricity.
For the development of offshore wind in Italy POWERED is an indispensable mean. It provides secure and certified data on wind power, allowing to program targeted investments. All the subjects interested in investing and working in the offshore field – entrepreneurs, banks, but also those who have to provide authorizations – will have a reliable product, recognized by banks and international investment funds. This request was raised directly by the italian Ministry of Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, which is one of the most influential partners of the project.
The task of POWERED Project also includes the definition of common guidelines for the territories along the Adriatic shore, in order to streamline the bureaucracy before the phase of construction of the plants, but also to regulate their construction.
POWERED constitutes one of the most important achievements in our country on the path to use wind energy in a systematic and efficient way. «The project – says the head of the Scientific Committee, Prof. Ing. Renato Ricci, professor at the Polytechnic University of Marche – aims to define a ‘best practice’, that are the actions to be taken to program effectively the making of an offshore wind farm. Which has to be programmed and cannot be managed as a wind farm on mainland, because there are issues related to lines of vessel traffic, environmental, social etc. And in this case it doesn’t work to leave room to individual initiative. In this way POWERED has dealt with all the issues and brought out all the possibilities connected to building an offshore wind farm». POWERED Project is the most important among those financed by the IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Programme; it got an European funding of 4 million and 400 thousand euro. Italian partners are the Ministry of Environment, Regions Abruzzo (who is also the Project Leader), Molise, Puglia and Marche, the regional bureau Veneto Agriculture, the Province of Ravenna, the Polytechnic University of Marche, Cetma Group, Micoperi Marine Contractors. Montenegro and Albania participates with their respective Ministries of Economy, while for Croatia, the partnership is ensured by the city of Komiza.
- The first Powered anemometer has been installed in the headquarter of Micoperi in Ravenna
Wednesday July 1st 2015 it has been installed the first anemometer station of the seven planned by
POWERED Project. The equipment has been placed on a former flare tower that is located inside the Ravenna headquarters of the Micoperi Marine Contractors Ravenna, which is one of the project partners. The monitoring activity is guaranteed on 4 different measurement planes, starting at a 4 meters height from the ground to reach more than 100 meters height; this allows to determinate with high accuracy also the wind intensity near the tower itself.
- Powered Project new small wind turbine at the Harbour Office of Ravenna, press review
Here the press review regarding the inauguration of the Powered Project small wind turbine at the Harbour Office of Ravenna, March 5th 2015
- Powered Project inaugurated at the Harbour Office of Ravenna a 300 watts small wind turbine
Today, March 5th 2015, at 11.30 at the Harbour Office of Ravenna, an experimental small wind turbine has been officially inaugurated by the european Powered Project (of which the
province of Ravenna is one of the partners). The ceremony has been attended by Mara Roncuzzi, Councillor for the Environment of the Province of Ravenna, Captain Giuseppe Meli, Commander of the Harbour Office of Ravenna and Maritime Director of the Emilia Romagna Region, Galliano Di Marco, President of the Port Authority of Ravenna, Prof. Ing. Renato Ricci, professor at the Politecnica University of Marche and head of the scientific committee of Project Powered, Alberto Rebucci, responsible of Powered Project for the Province of Ravenna, and Ing. Antonio Lazzari, President of the Cooperative Impronte, who has illustrated the features of the small wind turbine. (more…)