The Powered Project

Project objectives
Work packages

Title of the Project:
Project of Offshore Wind Energy: Research, Experimentation, Development

Programma: IPA Crossborder 2007-2013 Programme
Priority: 2.Natural and Cultural Resources and Risk Prevention
Measure: 2.3- Energy saving and renewable energy resources

Duration: 48 months (March 2011- February 2015)
Total budget: € 3.631.469,03

Summary of the project
POWERED aims to define a set of strategies and shared methods for the development of the off-shore wind energy in all the Countries overlooking the Adriatic Sea. Such energetic choice could allow a rapid increase of installations, thanks to the reduction of the problems related to landscape topic that are frequently the main obstacles to the creation of wind parks in high density population territories or in areas with high historical or landscape value. Also the problems related to the transport of the wind turbines of big size should be reduced, especially in Countries like Italy in which the problem of connection between the main and the suburban roads is important, because of the small dimension of the roadway. Industrial ports that overlooking the Adriatic Sea could be assume a decisive role in the development process, becoming a marshalling but also productive areas of the technological components. The main objective of the project is drafting guide lines for the realization of off-shore wind parks in the Adriatic Sea compatible with the planning and conservation policy shared among the project partners. In parallel will be identified development Sea basins for the energetic technology above mentioned. It will allow the defining of the characteristics for a project of electric submarine connection network that will enormously facilitate the exchange of energy power between Countries. The achievement of the project’s objectives will be possible thanks to the study concerning the wind resources on the Adriatic Basin, the study will be developed through numerical process and will be validated through testing method. Such validation will be possible thanks to the installation of a network of coastal weather stations and of, at least, ones marine. Such network, at he end of the project, will be functioning and will support weather forecast services.

Main Project objectives
The “POWERED” project aims to define a set of strategies and methods common to the countries overlooking the Adriatic Sea valuable for the development of off-shore wind farms. The quest for a common action amongst the Adriatic countries would lead to a fast growth of the number of installations. On one hand the off-shore installations would not sense the restrictions imposed on on-shore plants from both landscape requirements and the unavail-ability of large installation areas in the surroundings of populated regions which are to be served, on the other hand, economy scale transports would be eased by exploiting the naval freighter lines connecting the arbours across the Adriatic Sea. At this purpose it is worthwhile mentioning the potential economic growth of the cities hosting the arbours. New richness would stem from their “hub” role in the “production-delivering” chain of the new large wind turbines.

The partnership

Ministero dell'Ambiente
Regione Molise
Veneto Agricoltura
Regione Puglia
Regione Marche
Regione Abruzzo
Provincia di Ravenna
Università Politecnica delle Marche

Lead Partner (LB): REGION ABRUZZO – Directorate for Bureau Affairs, Legislative and EC
Policies, External Affairs

B1 – Department for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Sector, Ministry of
Economy of Montenegro

B2 – Veneto Agricoltura, regional agency for agriculture, forestry and agri-food sectors

B3 – Province of Ravenna

B4 – Marche Region – Environment and Landscape Department

B5 – Molise Region – Programming Department

B6 – Apulia Region – Mediterranean Department

B7 – Marche Polytechnic University

B8 – CETMA Consortium – Engineering, Design and Materials Center

B9 -Micoperi marine contractors srl

B10 – Italian Ministry for Environment and Land and Sea

B11 – Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, Republic of Albania

B12 – Municipality of Komiza

Work packages of the project
WP1 – Management and coordination
Responsible Beneficiary: REGION ABRUZZO – Directorate for Bureau Affairs, Legislative and
EC Policies, External Affairs
Description: This WP aims to assure a cohesive and effective coordination of the projects’ activities the partnership will be given a functional organizational structure. Organisms of management and control will be established. They will be: Steering Committee (SC), Technical Scientific Committee (TSC). Abruzzo Region will be the coordinator of the project and it will be directly the responsible organism facing the MA, both from substance and an administrative point
of view. Nevertheless it will activate the mechanisms of connection among the beneficiaries that will contribute to the effective management of the POWERED activities. All the beneficiaries will be involved in the coordination of the project, through the sharing of special constituted organisms. Effective coordination of the project activities – exact implementation of the experimentation with pilot projects – starting of an effective mechanism of experiences  exchange – well-organized joint action among the beneficiaries involved in the project – effective use of the resources – optimization of the costs – respect of the working plan.

WP2 – Communication and dissemination
Responsible Beneficiary: Province of Ravenna
Description: The Dissemination and Communication activities’ main objective is to ensure the continuous exchange of ideas between the Public and private institutions operating in interested CBC territories. It is planned 6 knowledge development and support workshop events aiming to enhance the creation of cooperative mechanisms for integrating results into project idea.

Beneficiaries will organize events in their Countries to inform local actors, decision makers and experts of the sector about the activities and the “in itinere” results of the project. The dissemination of the project results as well as the process of feeding back on them will be facilitated by a web platform, and printing of communication material (periodical newsletter, leaflet, brochures, dvds). The beneficiaries will use all the relevant networks that they participate in order to make the widest possible dissemination of the project to all relevant stakeholders and involved

WP3 – Technological, normative, of energetic and environmental policy state of the art
Responsible Beneficiary: CETMA Consortium – Engineering, Design and Materials Centre
Description: The energy policies of the countries interested in the project seem to point to a common direction towards renewable energies. In particular, wind energy has an important role thanks to the good windiness in the inner areas of most of the countries. Nevertheless the varied orography of the countries involved in the project has given birth in each of them to both really different regulations as well as to different means of supplying electric energy. As a matter of fact some of the countries are equipped with electric networks not suitable to deliver the fluctuating
energy produced by the wind farms. It is evident that a deep analysis of both the ambitions in terms of energy policies and the law restrictions of each country might allow the creation of a set of common proposals aimed to level each individual energy need estimate. Regulations aspects of each country have to be taken carefully into account with the intent of evaluating common aspects and differences. In this way it would be possible to draw up common procedures aimed to get in short times all the permissions needed for the setting up of the new off-shore wind farms.

WP4 – Numerical and experimental evaluation of wind energy resources in the Adriatic basin
Responsible Beneficiary: Marche Polytechnic University
Description: Actually off-shore wind parks around Europe produce 1900MW power of electric energy, nevertheless an impressive growth is planned in the near future with 50.000MW to be reached by the year 2030 (note: information based on projects already started by several European countries). 2007 “Position Paper” reports that Italy plans to develop 2000MW from off-shore wind energy by the year 2020. It is clear how much it is important to acquire reliable knowledge of the available wind energy resources from marine areas: in this particular case the Adriatic. It is therefore of the utmost importance an anemologic study focused to a preliminary evaluation of the economic investment.

WP5 – Analysis and experimental evaluation of environmental, infrastructural, energetic and
technological issues
Responsible Beneficiary: Municipality of Komiza
Description: it is in this phase that it will be analyzed and quantified the problems introduced by the development of the production of electric power from off-shore wind plants on the Adriatic Sea. Each partner will co-operate to define the own environmental pressure and to suggest the most suitable infrastructural solutions. In parallel will be identified energetic basins and the useful technologies to realize the best possible productive quality

WP6 – Definition of Guidelines for the realization of off-shore wind parks in the Adriatic Sea
Responsible Beneficiary: REGION ABRUZZO – Directorate for Bureau Affairs, Legislative and
EC Policies, External Affairs
Description: This phase is a strategic role because is at its internal that should be create and consolidate all those common objectives of economic policy and environmental preservation among the involved Countries. The final step of the project will consist in the utilization of the results coming from the previous phases for the creation of the Guideline, that it should be a good practices manual that allows a suitable approach to the project development. But, in parallel, all the Countries involved will have to identify all the clear and shared procedures of authorization that allow to the operators of the energetic sector to make operative the project in short time

This post is also available in: Italian

Lead partner Abruzzo Region Directorate for Bureau Affairs, Legislative and EC Policies, External Affairs Department for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Sector, Ministry of Economy of Montenegro Veneto Agricoltura, regional agency for agriculture, forestry and agri-food sectors

Province of Ravenna
Marche Region Environment and Landscape Department

Molise Region Programming Department
Apulia Region Mediterranean Department

Marche Polytechnic University
CETMA Consortium Engineering, Design and Materials Center Micoperi marine contractors srl

Italian Ministry for Environment and Land and Sea
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, Republic of Albania

Municipality of Komiza
European Union Adriatic IPA