Project sponsors
- E.R.A. (Energie Rinnovabili Albania) sh.p.k.
Rruga Sami Frasheri nd. 14 H.11, ap.8 PO BOX 232/1 Tirana
mob ita : +393292740163
mob alb: +355673158135Albanian law partnership that was founded in 2011 with the aim to develop and build plants to produce electricity from renewable sources in the Balkan territory and Albanian in particular.
As a sponsor of Project Powered provides data collected by the wind tower located in the town of Milot
- Alma mater studiorum – Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Energetica, Nucleare e del Controllo Ambientale (DIENCA)
Viale Risorgimento 2
40136 Bologna – I
As a sponsor of Project Powered provides calculation for offshore wind turbine foundations
- Wpd Italia Offshore srl
Viale Aventino, 102
00153 Roma – I
Tel. +39 06 960 353-00
As a sponsor of Project Powered provides wind data by onshore wind masts
- SIMAM spa Servizi industriali manageriali ambientali
Via Cimabue, 11/2
60019 Senigallia AN
ITALYTel. +39 071 6610040 – 6610063
Fax +39 071 6610165
info@simam-spa.itAs a sponsor of Project Powered provides services
- Api Nova Energia
Via Salaria n. 1322
00138 Roma RM– I
Tel. +39 06 84931
As a sponsor of Project Powered provides wind data by onshore wind masts
- Tozzi Nord S.r.l
Registered office: via Sansebastian s.c.n
(vicinity) Interporto – Terminal Intermodale – I
38121 Trento – Italy
Tel. +39 0461 993383 – Fax +39 0461 956000
P. IVA 01998310229 – Ufficio Registro Imprese di Trento nr. R.E.A. 193234 – Capital stock 100.000,00 euro i.v.
As a sponsor of Project Powered provides two TN1.5 wind turbines to be installed:
1) in Porto Corsini (Ravenna)
2) on one of Eni oil rigs
Economic value of sponsorship:
Tn1.5 in Porto Corsini 10.600 euro
Tn1.5 on one of Eni oil rigs 12.000 euro
Total amount of the sponsorship 22.600 euro