• Powered Project: March 5th at 11:30 at the Harbour office of Ravenna, Porto Corsini, press conference for the inauguration of a small wind turbine

    Thursday, March 5th, 11:30 am, at the Harbour office of Ravenna, Porto Corsini, will take place the press conference for the inauguration of the new small experimental wind turbine, installed by the European Project Powered.

    The press conference will be attended by:

    • Mara Roncuzzi, Councillor for the Environment of the Province of Ravenna, partner of the Project Powered;

    • Capitano di Vascello Giuseppe Meli, Commander of the Harbour office of Ravenna, and Maritime Director of Emilia-Romagna Region;

    • Galliano Di Marco, President of the Port Authority of Ravenna;

    • Prof. Ing. Renato Ricci, professor at the Politecnica University of Marche and Head of the Powered Project scientific committee;

    • Antonio Lazzari, President of the Impronte Cooperative, who will explain the characteristics of the small wind turbine.

  • Wales has built the second largest offshore wind farm in the world

    Its name is Gwynt y Môr and is the second largest offshore wind farm in the world. It’s been built in Wales by RWE, Stadtwerke and Siemens: its 160 turbines will provide 567 Mw of energy. The news has been published on the web site rinnovabili.it (here to read the whole article). The cost of the plant is 2 billions pounds: RWE has a share of 60 percent in the project, with Stadtwerke München that follows with 30 percent and Siemens 10 percent.turbine






  • A ‘Powered Project’ exhibition stand at the Fair Key Energy Rimini November 5th to 8th.

    The P.O.W.E.R.E.D. Project (Project of Offshore Wind Energy: Research, Experimentation, Development), will be present with a stand at the ‘Key Energy 2014’ Fair, hosted in Rimini 2014 November 5th to 8th. The location of the stand is the no. 147 – Pavilion D7 (dedicated to wind power) – east entrance of the Fair. P.O.W.E.R.E.D. has organized a public event, ‘The european project P.O.W.E.R.E.D and the perspectives of development of wind energy in the adriatic area’, that will be hosted November 5th in Camelia hall (Ist Floor Hall B6 ). The meeting, organized by the Province of Ravenna will be moderated by Alberto Rebucci (Head for the Province of Ravenna of sector of Production Policies). After the registration of participants (14.30), the conference will begin at 15.

    The program:

    Welcome speech – Province of Ravenna

    Opening speech,Iris Flacco (Abruzzo Region – Presidency Affairs Department, Energy Policies Office)Definition of the Guidelines for Implementation of Wind Farms in the Adriatic Sea – State of the art (15.00)

    Renato Ricci (Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences – Università Politecnica delle Marche) ‘The P.O.W.E.R.E.D project: the project progress and the main results achieved’ (15.20)

    A. Pusceddu (Department of Environment and Life Sciences – Università Politecnica delle Marche) ‘Environmental issues of the offshore wind in the Adriatic Sea’ (15.50)

    Valter Lori (Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences – Università Politecnica delle Marche) ‘Noise emissions from offshore wind farms and the potential effects on marine life’ (16.20)

    Closing speech and debate (17.10)

    The aim of the European project Powered – funded by the IPA Adriatic Cross-border Programme 2007-2013 – is to check if and where there are wind conditions to invest in large offshore wind farms: thanks to the development of sophisticated mathematical models and data collected from the anemometer network. The data will be ‘certified’ and will provide useful elements to install any wind farm along the Adriatic coast, starting from the major ports.

    The development of wind energy in areas such as the Italian one has to deal with the natural wish of preserving the memory and the state of the landscapes. And the integration of such new elements of the landscape has to be perceived leaving aside the chance that the patterns commonly accepted by the population can be subverted.

    The P.O.W.E.R.E.D project aims to define strategies and shared methods for the development of offshore wind energy in all the countries lying along the shores of the Adriatic Sea. The choice of the wind energy would allow a rapid increase in power plants, thanks to the lowering of issues regarding the landscaping, that are frequently the main hurdle to the implementation of wind farms. In the next years, the increase in production of electricity from wind power will be ensured by the development of off-shore installations. This development has to be programmed carefully, to avoid excessive pressures on the environment. This requires an analysis of the compatibility of the technology settlements within the natural resources of the Adriatic Sea and with the already implemented development plans of the area.

  • Greenstyle.it: increased investments in wind energy

    Greenstyle.it published an article on the investments peak regarding renewable energy in the second quarter of this year. According to Clean Energy pipeline, in fact, worldwide investments reached 66.2 billion dollars: it is an 8 percent increase compared to the second quarter of 2013, a factor that would allow a reversal of the negative trend of the past two years. Wind energy is the main motive of this positive trend, with approximately $ 3.8 billion invested in offshore projects. The onshore wind power plants, however, are still those with more capability to attract investment, with 13.7 billion invested in the first quarter and $ 18 billion invested in the second quarter of 2014.
    If this propensity to invest will be confirmed, in the end of the year very positive results will be achieved.Foto pala eolica Diga foranea nord Porto Corsini 4

Lead partner Abruzzo Region Directorate for Bureau Affairs, Legislative and EC Policies, External Affairs Department for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Sector, Ministry of Economy of Montenegro Veneto Agricoltura, regional agency for agriculture, forestry and agri-food sectors

Province of Ravenna
Marche Region Environment and Landscape Department

Molise Region Programming Department
Apulia Region Mediterranean Department

Marche Polytechnic University
CETMA Consortium Engineering, Design and Materials Center Micoperi marine contractors srl

Italian Ministry for Environment and Land and Sea
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, Republic of Albania

Municipality of Komiza
European Union Adriatic IPA