Wind energy is the future for Europe

The forecast in a report of Ewea

A report of Ewea (European Wind Energy Association) claims that in 2020 the eolic power energy could meet the 15 % of the european energy requirements. And in 2050 it could supply half of the needs of energy (and the latter half would be provided by the others renewable sources of energy). Nowadays, the wind power energy supplies the 5.5 % of the european requirements of energy, with a combined power of 84,3 GW. This scenario will triplicate in the current decade: the investments regarding wind energy power plants amount to 192 billion euro.

The report sums up what has been done within the wind energy field in Europe. And shows the future path established by the Energy roadmap to 2050, which is supposed to be notified in few months by the European Commission.

Germany, France, Spain and United Kingdom are the countries that will invest more in wind energy. In Italy the investment in wind energy will triplicate: from the current 5.8 GW to 15.5 GW in 2020, of which 500 MW from offshore wind energy power plants. As a whole the wind energy in Italy will meet the 8.7 % of the requirements in 2020 (nowadays is the 3.2 %).

It’s important to point out that, according with the Ewea report, the use of wind energy is growing much more compared with the schedule planned by the States member of Eu and the Commission. In detail, the european schedule plans to install every year turbine with a power of 17.8 GW on the main land and 6.9 offshore. The estimated investments are 16.2 billions euro for the mainland wind power plants and 10.4 billion euro for the offshore plants.


(from, By Giulio Meneghello)



Lead partner Abruzzo Region Directorate for Bureau Affairs, Legislative and EC Policies, External Affairs Department for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Sector, Ministry of Economy of Montenegro Veneto Agricoltura, regional agency for agriculture, forestry and agri-food sectors

Province of Ravenna
Marche Region Environment and Landscape Department

Molise Region Programming Department
Apulia Region Mediterranean Department

Marche Polytechnic University
CETMA Consortium Engineering, Design and Materials Center Micoperi marine contractors srl

Italian Ministry for Environment and Land and Sea
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, Republic of Albania

Municipality of Komiza
European Union Adriatic IPA